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Thank you for donating!
You have options!  
When the new school year begins for 2018/2019 you will be able to set up a ONE TIME PAYMENT OR MULTIPLE PAYMENTS from right here! >>>>    
This will allow you to enter your Childs' class information so that you can be entered in the giveaways and sponsorship programs affiliated with the Direct donations.  Thank you for your support for the school and the community of children that your child is a part of!  
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What is the Eagle Nest/Direct Donation?
The Eagle Nest is El Oro Way PTA’s Direct Donation Appeal. 100% of your tax deductible donation is kept here at El Oro Way. Examples of major items paid out of this fund are: enrichment, classroom supplies, field trips and assemblies.


Why don’t we just sell wrapping paper or any other goods?
Although selling wrapping paper and magazines can be profitable, these types of fundraisers eat up a large amount of volunteer hours that could be much better spent elsewhere. Plus, El Oro Way gets only 50% or less of the sales whereas we keep 100% of the Eagle Nest fund.


Since we are an Affiliated Charter, don’t we have plenty of money?
No. Actually, the Eagle Nest is more important than ever to supplement the educational components that are contained within our Charter Plan.


Is a payment plan available?
Yes! You can make a one time payment, monthly, bi-annual or quarterly payments! 


I can’t afford the suggested donation amount, but want to contribute. What can I do?
We understand that not all of our families can contribute the suggested amounts, we just ask that you contribute what you can. We welcome all contributions for ANY amount. We are striving for 100% participation. On the flip side, if you can give more, please do so. Anyone can contribute - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc.

Let's make it fun!!!

Exciting things that will happen as we reach certain milestones during the Direct Donation Campaign:


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